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New Year, New House... Happy Family!

The photos above is one of the many houses that was granted to a lucky indigent families in Capiz through the housing project that I am handling. One lucky family was blessed with a house they can now call their home. It is very much different from their former house, which is only a barong-barong (shanty, made from scraps or used materials). No more worries of leaking water when it rains, the new house has a nice roof made of nipa (palm fronds).

The family is beaming with happiness, having to start the new year with a new home! I and the rest of the project team are happy to be instruments in helping them. A lot of people take for granted the beautiful houses they live in, not knowing that there are thousands of poor families who live in shanties, without proper protection from the weather, no utilities and no security, too.

My project is helping countless other indigent families to have a house of their own. I hope that in the coming new year, we will be able to build more homes.



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